Friday, May 25, 2007

Mermaid - Writing on Northern Creative inspired by my picture "Absorption"

This is the second in a series of creative writing exercises by Northern Creative and it just gets better and better! It starts:

"Her feet sting but still she stands there, temporarily routed to the stop.

A breeze windtunnels past her but she remains motionless apart from the carrier bag hanging from her stooped frame. For a moment it gains flurried momentum but still she is unmoved.

The turquoise and jades have caught her eye. The white horse tendrils make the water seem almost real. As if at any moment it will come crashing down onto the pavement and wash her away........."

Do please visit the blog and read the rest.

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posted by stefan lubo at Friday, May 25, 2007 3 comments

Monday, May 14, 2007

Parson's Lane - A tale inspired by my photograph "Red"

I have long been an admirer of the writing on the Northern Creative blog and our interaction through comments has now resulted in the first of several collaborations, using a selection of my photographs as a source of inspiration for some great writing.

The picture first chosen for this leap into the creative dark is "Red" taken one evening at a pedestrian crossing opposite Parson's Green Tube Station in darkest Fulham.

It begins
" Hollow echoes along the lane, a war call.
There is no war, but the beer makes it feel that way.
Leer at the ladies walking past, skirts short but scowling at this attention........"

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posted by stefan lubo at Monday, May 14, 2007 12 comments

Saturday, May 12, 2007

SHOWstudio review on 11 April 2007 - My movie!

Following on from my first post about this great night out and having taken my own Sony HDR-HC3E HDV Handycam I have now produced on my new iMAC, a Quicktime movie! edited, with transitions, titles and one effect (see if you can spot it?) which you will see, is all rather cool, for a first effort!!

By coincidence on the same day SHOWstudio put up on their website the film produced by seven of the guests including me which can now be seen on There's has turned out as a rather unexciting, but informative reportage, while mine I think is more fun and a bit of a story! What do you all think??

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posted by stefan lubo at Saturday, May 12, 2007 0 comments

Thursday, May 03, 2007

London 2012 Olympics development

On May 5th I am attending another London Independent Photography workshop, this time on reportage photography given by Brian Harris, who has asked us to photograph "progress" on the 2012 Olympics development.

So far I have walked round the Olympic Park South Walk which borders the development, taking photos which I show in a slideshow. For someone who lives in West London and who thinks East London is an industrial landscape, my trip to the Lea Valley was a revelation with lots of greenery and wildlife, mixed in with dereliction and new developments. The fishermen I came across had recently caught 12 & 1/2 lb Bream!

As you will see, one can't really see any development going on, apart from the odd crane or machine, so I will keep trying to gain access to the works themselves up to the last minute!.

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posted by stefan lubo at Thursday, May 03, 2007 3 comments