Wednesday, April 28, 2010

Thinking about the Thinking Hotel - Visually

I have been watching and partaking in the development of Maria Botelho Neves's ideas for the development of a Thinking Hotel on Linked in in a recent post she asked

Images for the website: I am looking for 6 fantastic images to be combined with this sentence:


I have put together a selection of nearly 100 photos from my files based on the idea  Thinking about the Thinking Hotel - Visually

I am not suggesting that the six images are there already, but they may help inspire others to contribute more on a similar theme, or to fill in the spaces between what I had to hand.

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posted by stefan lubo at Wednesday, April 28, 2010 0 comments

Monday, April 26, 2010

Haunch of Venison - Thomas Heatherwick, Rina Banerjee & Glasnost

After leaving the Designers Breakfast and now filled with creative energy I popped into my favourite gallery, the Haunch of Venison in Burlington Gardens behind the Royal Academy where they always have really interesting, provocative artists on display and who, joy of joys allow photography, which is a rare flower indeed today amongst museums and galleries, only shared as far as I know by the V&A and the British Museum.

This exhibition was no exception with stunning works by Thomas Heatherwick, Rina Banerjee & contemporary Russian artists from the 80's on the theme of Glasnost.

You can see more of my impressions in the slideshow.

The building itself is beautiful with a spectacular staircase.

On leaving, I continued to snap away in Bond Street and Bruton Place.

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posted by stefan lubo at Monday, April 26, 2010 0 comments

Designer Breakfast with David Kester 22nd of April 2010

On Thursday, off I went to the sumptuous, quirky offices of Bartle Bogle Hegarty BBH  for a Designer Breakfast at 8am, looking forward to hear David Kester, chief executive of the Design Council talking about 'Design against crime' and 'Designing out bugs' which are Design Council-led projects to bring design into the heart of the public sector’s decision-making process. And the designers share the financial rewards as well as retain their intellectual property.

As usual I took along my Leica M8 and snapped the goings on, which I have put into a short slide show.

David spoke entertainingly and informatively for 45 minutes, using the dreaded PowerPoint slideshow to great effect and followed it up with a really useful Q&A with good questions coming from an expert audience.

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posted by stefan lubo at Monday, April 26, 2010 0 comments

Wednesday, April 21, 2010

Amazing Nike video using the arduino to make music by bending shoes!

  Learn how it was all put together
Another cool Nike ad with a surprise twist at the end!

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posted by stefan lubo at Wednesday, April 21, 2010 0 comments

Tuesday, April 20, 2010

A stroll in Pimlico and Chelsea

This weekend we finally had some summer weather and went for a stroll around Pimlico and Chelsea with as usual, my trusty Leica M8, this time with the beautiful 90mm F2.8 lens, which is great for picking out little details that your eyes pick out from the mass of distractions presenting themselves to us every minute of the day.

Here are a number of those things which caught my eye and you can see a few more of them in the slideshow.

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posted by stefan lubo at Tuesday, April 20, 2010 0 comments

Wednesday, April 14, 2010

A Day Trip to Hove

Not ordinarily a title that sets the heart pounding, but taking my trusty Leica M8 with me as I went to visit a friend there, I came back with some surprisingly strong, lyrical images, taken on the train there and back and during a walk along the beach.


More motion!



You can see the full set of 18 images in a slideshow.

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posted by stefan lubo at Wednesday, April 14, 2010 0 comments

Wednesday, April 07, 2010

Some photographs of sheep, and a lamb being born this Easter on the Borders

This Easter I spent a few days on the Borders on an Estate by the river Tweed (where I am currently commissioned to photograph "a year in the life of the Estate", which will be collated into a 400 page book, laid out and designed by myself and printed by to be given to the owners children and all the staff on the estate in due course) and took these "Easter" pictures of sheep walking towards us having seen our Landrover and thought - food!.
I also was privileged to see a lamb being born in a different part of the farm, a few minutes after its brother or sister? had arrived on this earth!
It is amazing to see the transformation from an apparently inanimate lump to a living breathing individual of a lamb with its own personality and relationships, developing all in a matter of minutes. The sequence of photographs ends with the shepherd and his two trusty dogs bidding farewell and driving off to yet another birth.
 I photographed the lot with my trusty Leica M8.

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posted by stefan lubo at Wednesday, April 07, 2010 0 comments