Tuesday, February 10, 2009

RSA - RSA Thursday - The Element

RSA - RSA Thursday - The Element click on the link to hear the lecture in mp3 format

Finding your passion does change everything - it's why I became a professional photographer.

This talk is truly wonderful - profound thoughts, expressed entertainingly - what he says about three year olds competing for kindergarten places will have you laughing out loud.

RSA Thursday - The Element

5th Feb 2009; 13:00

Sir Ken Robinson, one of the world’s most inspirational speakers on creativity, education and enterprise, visits the RSA to share new thinking on 'The Element' - the point at which natural talent meets personal passion.

In a new book, Sir Ken argues that we are all born with tremendous natural capacities, but that we lose touch with them as we spend more time in the world. Whether it’s a child bored in class, an employee being misused or just someone who feels frustrated but can’t quite explain why, too many people don’t know what they are really capable of achieving. And education, business and society as a whole are losing out.

At a time of deepening recession, we simply cannot afford to squander the skills and talents that will be vital to our future economic prosperity. Sir Ken will show how we can nurture our creative potential more fully and consider: What is required for organisations to survive in a difficult economic climate? What skills are successful business people exercising to maintain productivity, faced with increased competition, fluctuating markets and rapid advancements in technology? How do we prepare the workforce to meet these challenges and help them, individually and collectively, to realise their potential to be creative and innovative, using foresight and informed risk-taking?

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posted by stefan lubo at Tuesday, February 10, 2009 0 comments

Sunday, February 08, 2009

BQF Lean Six Sigma Awards

One thing I love about being a freelance photographer is the sheer variety of commissions I get involved and the wonderful people I meet as a result. On the 9th of December, I was asked to photograph the British Quality Foundation Lean Six Sigma awards, held at the Renault F1 Centre near Oxford.

It was all about presenting awards, for businesses and organisations who had used the Lean Six Sigma system to improve the quality of their service so it was all about excellence.

Prizes were awarded

But it was held at Renault's amazing Formula 1 Centre, so there was leading edge technology to be ogled at and photographed alongside!

and networking to be done whilst testing your reflexes on equipment that F1 drivers use to train.You can see it all in this slideshow.

Also one of my portraits of Matt McNulty of design company Mouchel, graces the cover of the BQF's house journal - UK Excellence Magazine of December 08/January 09.

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posted by stefan lubo at Sunday, February 08, 2009 0 comments