Thursday, September 30, 2010

Magical Luxury Tour - Saville Row

I spent yesterday morning with Karen Toms of  Tyrrell Marketing Consultancy in Sackville Street, Bond Street, Dover Street, Cork Street and Saville Row, studying the luxury product/service buying experience as part of her service to me of developing my marketing plan in the luxury sector.
As usual I took my Leica M8, this time with a 21mm F2.6 lens and captured some aspects of this interesting, vibrant part of the world.
One thing that became more and more obvious as we interacted with a variety of smart businesses, both well established and relatively new, was how pleasant the process was - no hard sell, pricing only coming into the picture very discretely only once the craftsmanship and care that had gone into every item was apparent and the desire was there for a new acquisition. A lot of what influenced you was picked up directly, through seeing crafts men - and women at work, careful use of architecture and interior design, showing by example, restrained carefully lit displays.
You can see more pictures in a slideshow, which ends with a quiet moment in The Haunch of Venison gallery in Burlington House, one of my favourites, but currently between main exhibitions and then a train arriving at Earls Court Tube Station.

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posted by stefan lubo at Thursday, September 30, 2010 0 comments

Friday, September 24, 2010

Photos taken on my way to the Designer Breakfast on 23rd September, then ...

I decided to take my Leica M8 to this months Designer Breakfast held at BBH's offices and chose to start snapping as I emerged from Piccadilly Circus Underground Station and keep snapping all the way to Kingly Street.
Knowing I have an assignment coming up involving compositing three shots to look like one for a client, I decided to have trial run on the street and several quick fire sequences of people passing in front of interesting spaces. Back at the office, firing up Lightroom 3 I exported the sequences to layers in CS5, then aligned the layers and used the rubber tool to reveal each position of the wandering folk on the layers above them - voila - magic!

Sebastian Conran, proved a fascinating and entertaining speaker
 and with my appetite for design whetted, I headed off to Borough market for sustenance, the Clerkenwell for a Business Junction networking session, continuing to snap on the way.

You can see some of the resulting images in the slideshow.

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posted by stefan lubo at Friday, September 24, 2010 0 comments

Friday, September 10, 2010

The Thinking Hotel 24h workshop

After our two day prototyping weekend in the Loft this SlideShare Presentation summarises brilliantly what we did and what came out of it, using lots of my photos taken at that event and taken from my photoarchive.
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posted by stefan lubo at Friday, September 10, 2010 0 comments